Friday, February 27, 2009

Sisterlock Update

I had my first re-tightening on February 23rd. I can't believe it's been six weeks since my initial locking session. I can't find words to describe my satisfaction. I love everything about them. They look and feel great! To maintain them has been so easy. Because, I keep a really busy schedule, it is important to have a hair style that looks good all the time but does to take alot of time to maintain. Sisterlocks has met that need and then some. I've recieved several compliments and comments regarding my locks (all positive). some have done double takes when they've realized that they are not braids or traditional locks. Many are curious and want to touch them (ummmmm.... that's an inside joke for those who really know me). Overall they like them. I love them! I have to thanks my best girlfriend and loctician, Ms Laura.... thank you for caring about my hair as much as I do (sometimes even more).


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Questions About My Locs

What did you put on your Hair?

Nothing. That is the beauty of sisterlocks. Other than keeping my scalp clean. I don't have to deal with chemicals or a lot of product for that matter. I even gave my favorite brush and comb to my daughter.

Is that your real hair?

Yes. No more extensions.

How long did it take?

18 hours split between two days

Did it hurt?

No, it was tender when she was working around the edges, but once they were locked it was not an issue.

Is your hair braid or twisted?

Neither it's "locked".